
Minnesota country-rock band formed in 1969, disbanded in 1974

Dan Lund

Lead Guitar 1969-1975

Dan Lund was a founding member of Podipto, and has been playing music professionally since 1969. In the late 1970s and into the 1980s he was with Becky Riemer (Thompson) and the Sky Blue Water Boys, a group fondly remembered for its great players and its unique approach to country music. In May 2005 Dan joined Becky and the rest of the Sky Blue Water Boys in the Minnesota Rock and Country Hall of Fame, now called the Mid-America Music Hall of Fame

Dan was later in other notable bands: Minnesota Flats, Sweetwater, and a country-punk band called Tall Corn, all of whom won Minnesota Music Awards.

He has two CDs in his own name on the Kitty Hawk label and has done session work on dozens of others. He played a long-running show at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts called "Always Patsy Cline."

Dan can be found playing at Lee's Liquor Lounge every Monday with his band Buffaloaf, and on the last Tuesdays of the month playing with Becky Thompson and Old School.